
The American Legion Audie L. Murphy Post 336




The American Legion Audie L. Murphy Post No. 336 was originally located on the southeast side of San Antonio and was named Stonewall Jackson. The Post was down to 12 Paid up for life (PUFL) members when the Department Commander as Walter Geraghty, a five-time Post No. 2 Commander, if he would revitalize this Post. He agreed and brought the Post to Leon Valley. This champion recruiter grew the Post from the original 12 to 66 members by the first meeting held at Leon Valley City Hall. December 2008. Centered now in the shadow of Audie Murphy Veterans Hospital, the Post was renamed in honor of the most decorated was hero in U.S. history.



The Post is its membership and the programs it supports. The post meets monthly at the Leon Valley Elementary School cafeteria during the school year and has 3 meetings annually at Golden Coral restaurant (Jun, Aug, Dec). The Post has a building fund and is currently searching for a location in the Leon Valley area.



The award-winning Color Guard presents colors at veteran’s funerals and provides our comrades a dignified “Final Salute” while the Commander transfers deceased member to “Post Everlasting.” The Color Guard has won both department and national level recognition. Locally they have department and national level recognition. Locally they have posted colors for the Spurs and Mission ball clubs, multiple events held at the Fisher House, parades, and school.



The Post supports 6 high schools for Boys State, Junior ROTC and Oratorical competition along with Cub Scout Pack 485. Through its charitable bingo operations, they have donated over $35K to local veterans’ organizations, Leon Valley Police Department Blue Santa Program. Reel Recovery and proudly sponsors the Joint Base San Antonio Annual Awards.


The largest Post in District 20 with over 1,000 members continues to grow. if you are and eligible veteran and want to continue to serve, we welcome you to join our Post.


Join Us and Keep this History Alive